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Chapter 3: Sabbaticals and Other Leaves of Absence Applicable to the Academic Council and University Medical Professoriates

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Handbook last updated: January 17, 2024

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3.1 General Policies Applicable to Leaves and Other Absences From Campus
3.2 Sabbatical Leave
3.3 Leave Without Salary
3.4 Period of Pure Research Leave
3.5 Family and Medical Leave Policy

3.1 General Policies Applicable to Leaves and Other Absences From Campus

3.1.1 Limitations on Leaves

It is University policy to place limitations on the granting of leaves.  When considering a faculty member’s leave request, the department Chair and school Dean should determine whether the following four limitations have been satisfied:

Overall limit on leave. The total time spent on leaves of any kind normally should not exceed six quarters in seven years for faculty with 9 month appointments or 24 months in seven years for faculty with 12 month appointments.  (To determine this limit, count back seven years from the end date of a proposed leave.  In this calculation, partial leaves will be prorated dependent on departmental policies and practices.)

Limit on contiguous absence. In addition, leaves of any kind, or combinations of leaves, may not exceed 24 contiguous months for faculty with 12 month appointments or two consecutive academic years for faculty with 9 month appointments, irrespective of percent time off duty.

Limit on Partial leave. Leaves are normally at 100% FTE. If the faculty member has requested to remain on-duty for any percent FTE to continue with responsibilities other than research (i.e. administrative, teaching or other duties), the exception policy described under "Additional Considerations" below applies.

Retirement. A faculty member must serve at Stanford for a period of time at least equal to the length of their most recent leave prior to retirement.

Additional Considerations. Exceptions to these limitations may be approved by the Provost, at the Provost’s discretion, in rare circumstances such as when positive advantages to the University outweigh the possible adverse effects on University programs, or when the following types of leave are involved: pregnancy disability or other disability leave, childcare leave, family and medical leave, workers compensation leave, or leave for government service at a high level.  Faculty with questions about this policy should contact their Dean's Office.

When a department has requests for an unusual number of leaves at any one time, pregnancy disability or other disability leaves, childcare leaves, family and medical leaves, worker’s compensation leaves, and sabbatical leaves have priority.  It is appropriate for department Chairs and Deans to refuse or delay certain requests for sabbatical leave and for leave without salary when resulting absences would make it difficult for the department to meet its instructional and research obligations.

Even when on leave, faculty members are expected to adhere to the general obligation of faculty to be responsive to communications from their departments, schools and the university.  Stanford University uses electronic means (such as email, texts, and the Internet) as a method of communication to faculty.  For many University communications, email to a faculty member’s email account is the official form of notification to the faculty member, and emails sent by University officials to such email addresses will be presumed to have been received and read by the faculty member.

3.1.2 Short Absences

Faculty members do not accrue vacation leave or sick leave.  However, short absences for personal business, illness, jury duty, and similarly limited absences normally are with full salary.  It is expected that when scheduling periods of leave with pay, one's academic responsibilities are taken into consideration and continue to be fulfilled.  The department Chair should be notified in advance of any absence of a faculty member on active duty that may affect class, laboratory, research, or other University commitments, including graduate student supervision.

3.1.3 Military Leaves

Please refer to Administrative Guide Memo 2.1.18 for procedures regarding faculty members who are required to fulfill active military training and/or active military duty.

3.1.4 Supplemental School Policies and Practices

As noted above, the granting or denying of leaves or extended absences from campus are generally at the discretion of the department Chairs and school Deans.  Schools have different policies and practices with regard to sabbatical leaves and other leaves of absence.  To the extent that these may be at variance with University-wide policy, advance approval must be obtained from the Provost by the department Chair and the school Dean.  Exceptions to the University’s leave policies may be approved by the Provost, at the Provost's discretion. Questions regarding leaves should be referred to the school Dean’s Offices.

3.2 Sabbatical Leave

3.2.1 Purpose

The purpose of the sabbatical leave program is to free faculty members from their normal University duties, enabling them to pursue their scholarly interests full-time and maintain their professional standing so that they may return to their posts with renewed vigor, perspective, and insight.

Those eligible to take sabbatical leave are: Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors in the Tenure Line; Non-Tenure Line Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors; Center and Senior Fellows at designated policy centers or institutes; and Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors in the University Medical Line.

Faculty on sabbatical leave remain subject to the policies on conflict of commitment and interest and outside consulting activities, which may be found at

3.2.2 Sabbatical Leave Request

Sabbatical leave is not automatic.  It is granted by the school Dean following approval of a leave request proposal by the department Chair(s).  In the case of joint/secondary appointments, faculty must take sabbatical leave from all (primary, joint, secondary) departments, schools and designated policy centers or institutes.  Sabbatical leaves must be approved by all departments, schools and designated policy centers or institutes.  The leave request form is provided in Appendix A.

The application for leave includes a description of arrangements to cover the faculty member’s instructional responsibilities, supervision of their dissertation students and advisees, and other administrative duties for which the faculty member is responsible.  In addition, the application must fully describe activity planned for the leave period.  If the individual expects to receive income during the sabbatical period to supplement their sabbatical salary, a description of the activities generating such income, and the anticipated amounts, should be included (except for consulting activities performed in accordance with Stanford’s consulting policy).  Substantial changes in leave plans or supplemental income require approval by the department Chair and Dean.

The University compensation associated with a sabbatical leave is intended to make it financially possible for a faculty member to carry out their leave program.  Projected outside earnings may be taken into account in the decision to grant sabbatical leave and in setting the percentage of salary to be received from the University.  Total compensation during a sabbatical leave should not normally exceed the faculty member’s full-time Stanford base salary for the leave period.

Faculty on sabbatical continue to be eligible for health and welfare benefits coverage and receive the full University contribution for such coverage.

3.2.3 Appointments at Other Institutions

A faculty member on sabbatical leave may not take a regular faculty or administrative position at another institution of higher education.  However, faculty on sabbatical leave may accept a visiting professor appointment at another educational institution.

3.2.4 Service Accrual Toward Sabbatical Leave

To be counted toward sabbatical leave, full-time service must include a reasonable amount of teaching (which may take a variety of forms) each year at Stanford.  (Exceptions to this rule are the faculty at SLAC, members of the Non-Tenure Line (Research) professoriate, Senior Fellows and Center Fellows.)  Participation in a Stanford overseas program or in field work that is an integral part of a department’s academic program is considered regular service at Stanford and accrues eligibility toward sabbatical leave.  Time spent on leave without salary, extended absences for reason such as illness, periods of pure research (as defined in Section, and full-time non-teaching service are normally excluded in calculating sabbatical eligibility.

Faculty on a quarterly calendar may accrue sabbatical eligibility during a maximum of 3 quarters in 1 year.  A fourth quarter of teaching or sponsored research does not add sabbatical eligibility.

Faculty on a 12 month calendar may accrue sabbatical eligibility during a maximum of 12 months per year.

Sabbatical leave may be accrued on a pro rata basis by regular part-time service at 50% time or more, under the same conditions of eligibility as applied to full-time service.

Service as Assistant Professor (Subject to Ph.D.) may be accrued toward sabbatical leave if the individual is subsequently appointed to an eligible rank, provided that the appointments are contiguous.

Effective 1/1/96, the maximum service toward sabbatical that a faculty member may accrue is 36 quarters (24 semesters, 12 years).  A sabbatical cap of less than 36 will apply on a pro rata basis if the individual's appointment is less than 100% time.

It is not necessary to obtain Provostial approval for accrual of any amount up to the maximum.  Accrual beyond this maximum is normally not permitted.

3.2.5 Calculating Sabbatical Leave Duration and Rate of Pay

The usual minimum length of sabbatical is one quarter or semester at 50% salary, or 2 months at 100% salary.  The maximum length of sabbatical leave is one year, without regard to rate of pay.  See Tables 1-3 at the end of this chapter to determine leave eligibility and rate of pay during leave if the faculty member is conducting sponsored research during their leave. This table is also to be used if a faculty member does not have enough sabbatical credits; they may still be relieved of duties at 100% FTE, but the portion of their leave that they do not have sabbatical credits for will be unpaid.


(Sabbatical leave during the fourth quarter is not available to faculty holding a 9-month appointments)

Service Quarters
(excluding Summer)
Length of Sabbatical
(in Quarters)
Rate of Pay
During Leave


Service YearsService MonthsLength of Sabbatical
(in Months)
Rate of Pay
During Leave

3.2.6 Return to Service Following Sabbatical Leave

A faculty member must serve at Stanford for a period of time at least equal to the length of their most recent sabbatical prior to taking another sabbatical leave or terminating employment with the University.  Sabbatical leave may not be taken during a one-year terminal extension of a regular term appointment; upon recommendation from the Dean of the faculty member’s school, the Provost may approve an exception to this policy under special circumstances.  The purpose of the sabbatical leave program is to enable faculty to pursue their scholarly interests full-time and then return to their posts.  Accordingly, accrued sabbatical time expires upon termination of employment with the University; there is no compensation given at that time for unused sabbatical.

3.2.7 Borrowing Sabbatical Leave Eligibility

The University recognizes the need to provide opportunities for junior faculty to develop their research and scholarship.  To assist them during a critical period of their careers, non-tenured Assistant and non-tenured Associate Professors may, upon reappointment for a multiple-year term and with the approval of their department Chair and Dean, borrow up to three years of service credit to be eligible for a sabbatical leave of longer duration or a higher rate of pay (up to the sabbatical policy maximum).  A faculty member will not normally be permitted to borrow service beyond the end date of the term of appointment.

Tenured faculty and faculty with continuing term appointments may not normally borrow sabbatical leave service credit.

3.3 Leave Without Salary

A leave without salary is any period of leave that is completely without salary paid by or through Stanford University or its disability benefits program.

3.3.1 Requesting a Leave Without Salary

Leaves of absence without salary should be requested on the standard leave request form (Appendix A) for review and approval by the department Chair and Dean of the school.

3.3.2 Reviewing a Request for Leave Without Salary

In making the decision to approve or deny a leave without salary request, consideration will be given to the faculty member’s teaching and other contributions to the educational program of the University, scholarly productivity, number of Ph.D.’s completed under their supervision, previous leaves without salary, and any other relevant circumstances.

3.3.3 Appointments at Other Institutions

A faculty member on leave without salary may not take a regular faculty or administrative position at another institution of higher education.  However, faculty on leave without salary may accept a visiting professor appointment at another educational institution.

3.3.4 Effect on an Appointment for a Term of Years

A leave without salary extends a term appointment held by a member of the Professoriate, irrespective of faculty line, by a period equal to the duration of the leave, unless there is advanced written agreement to the contrary.  This extension is not automatic; it must be accomplished through normal processes, with the submission of a online FASA (Faculty and Academic Staff Application) transaction by the department or school, when the faculty member has concluded their leave without salary.  For additional information about the effect of a leave without salary on a faculty member’s appointment, see the “Extending the Appointment” sections for each professorial line in Chapter 2 of this handbook.

3.3.5 Effect on the Tenure Clock and Appointment Clock Deadlines

A leave without salary taken by an untenured Tenure Line faculty member also extends their seven year tenure clock.  It does not extend the ten year appointment clock deadline.  For additional information, see of this handbook.

3.3.6 Period of Partial Unpaid Leave

Periods of partial leave without salary have the same effect as described above, but on a proportional basis.

3.4 Period of Pure Research Leave

Faculty members, other than Assistant Professors (Research), Associate Professors (Research), Professors (Research), and Center and Senior Fellows in designated policy centers or institutes, may apply for a period of pure research, which is defined as leave from teaching and other institutional responsibilities during which the faculty member receives full or partial salary through Stanford from sponsored research.

3.4.1 Requesting a Period of Pure Research Leave

Applications for periods of pure research should be requested on the regular leave form (Appendix A) for review and approval by the department Chair and Dean of the school.

3.4.2 Reviewing a Request for Period of Pure Research Leave

In making the decision to approve or deny a period of pure research leave request, consideration will be given to the faculty member’s teaching and other contributions to the educational program of the University, scholarly productivity, number of Ph.D.’s completed under their supervision, previous leaves without salary, and any other relevant circumstances.

3.4.3 Effect on Sabbatical Leave Service Accrual

Sabbatical eligibility does not accrue during periods of pure research.

3.4.4 Effect on the Tenure Clock and Appointment Clock Deadlines

A period of Pure Research Leave does not extend the seven year tenure clock or the ten year appointment clock deadline.  For additional information, see and of this handbook.

3.5 Family and Medical Leave Policy

The following sections describe categories of leave that may be available to faculty who wish to reduce their responsibilities or take a leave of absence to meet family or personal obligations or needs.  It should be noted that the leaves and other arrangements described in this document may extend the tenure clock and/or the length of a term appointment (see section of this handbook).  It should also be noted that temporary instructors are frequently needed when faculty take family-related or medical leaves.  When this is the case, department Chairs and school Deans are responsible for making the necessary appointment arrangements.  If a faculty member does not apply for available disability benefits or for disability benefits, the School will not pay the equivalent of the disability benefit available under the University’s disability benefit programs.

3.5.1 Pregnancy Disability Leave

California’s Pregnancy Disability Leave Law (PDL) allows for leave of up to four months of disability leave due to medically certified, pregnancy-related disability.  During pregnancy disability leave, the faculty member is expected to apply for disability insurance according to established procedures.  (Specific instructions are available at  The length of pregnancy disability leave is determined by the faculty member’s physician, who certifies the number of weeks that the faculty member is disabled, both before and after delivery.  The University will pay the faculty member the difference between the disability benefit and full academic base salary while on disability due to pregnancy.  Department Chairs and Deans are expected to routinely approve requests for pregnancy disability leave.  Sabbatical leaves are intended for professional development and should not be used for pregnancy-related leave.  In addition, the faculty member is encouraged to contact their department Chair or Dean’s Office to address issues pertaining to teaching, research, appointment dates, tenure clock deadline, grant administration and other related issues.

3.5.2 Family and Medical Leave

Stanford’s policy on Family and Medical Leave (FML) for Faculty follows the guidelines of the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) of 1991 (amended in 1993, 2020, 2022) and the federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.  This legislation provides for up to 12 weeks of job protected unpaid leave in any 12 month period for eligible employees for certain family and medical reasons.  Family or medical leave may be taken for the following reasons:

  • Under FMLA, to care for the faculty member’s spouse, same sex domestic partner, parent, or child who has a serious health condition that requires the faculty member’s absence from work to care for the ill family member.  [In this case, the faculty member may also be eligible for Paid Family Leave];
  • Under CFRA, to care for the faculty member’s spouse, domestic partner, child, parent, parent-in-law (parent of spouse or domestic partner), grandparent, grandchild, or sibling who has a serious health condition that requires the faculty member’s absence from work to care for the ill family member.  [In this case, the faculty member may also be eligible for Paid Family Leave];
  • For a faculty member’s serious health condition [In this case, the faculty member may also be eligible for short term or long term disability];
  • For bonding as described below in section 3.5.3 [In this case, the faculty member may also be eligible for Paid Family Leave];
  • To care for a family member who is a member of the Armed Services and suffers serious injury in the line of duty or is undergoing treatment or recuperation from a serious injury (up to 26 weeks).  The Faculty member must be a spouse, parent, son, daughter, or next of kin of the service member. [In this case, the faculty member may also be eligible for Paid Family Leave];
  • Protected qualifying exigency leave for the spouse, domestic partner, child or parent (include parent-in-law under CFRA) of the service member in the Armed Forces.

A serious health condition is defined as any illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition serious enough to involve hospitalization, in-patient care in a residential medical facility, or continuing treatment or supervision by a health care provider.  In the case of a serious personal health condition, the faculty member may be eligible for short-term or long-term disability payments.

To be eligible for family or medical leave, an individual must have been employed by Stanford (within the U.S.) for at least 12 months and work 1250 hours in the 12 months prior to the leave start date.  An individual is not eligible if they have already used the maximum yearly leave entitlement provided by law.  Under University policy, if the faculty member is eligible for FML and the leave is for the employee’s own serious health condition, the University will pay the faculty member the difference between their disability benefit and the faculty member’s full academic base salary.

When the need for family leave is foreseeable, requests for family or medical leave should be made sufficiently in advance to allow the school or department to make replacement teaching and other arrangements.  In some circumstances, faculty may take their family or medical leave intermittently or on a reduced schedule basis.  (Specific information is available at  During family or medical leave, the University continues its contributions toward medical and dental group health plans.  The faculty member continues to be responsible for paying their own premium.  If additional leave is approved beyond the 12 weeks of family or medical leave, the faculty member must pay the University’s portion of the monthly premium in addition to their own premium to ensure continuous insurance coverage.

3.5.3 Paid Family Leave

Paid Family Leave (PFL) insurance is available to all faculty members who participate in the Stanford Voluntary Disability Insurance (VDI) Plan or the California State Disability Insurance (SDI) Plan.  It provides partial wage replacement during an approved Family and Medical Leave to care for a seriously ill family member or bonding with a new child.  The relationship between PFL and FML and/or CFRA is that FML and/or CFRA provides eligible employees up to 12 work weeks of unpaid job protected leave in a 12-month period for their own serious health condition, to care for a family member with a serious health condition, or because of the birth or placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care.  PFL does not change or extend FML and/or CFRA in any way and is completely separate from it.  PFL merely provides up to eight weeks of paid insurance benefits to employees who suffer a wage loss when they take time off work to care for a family member covered by the PFL regulations.  If a faculty member is eligible for FML and/or CFRA, they are required to take FML and/or CFRA at the same time they are receiving PFL.  The University will pay the faculty member the difference between their PFL benefit and their full academic base salary while they are on PFL.

Please note baby bonding leaves under FML and CFRA concurrently run for a total of 12 weeks; however, for maternity bonding leaves, PDL (pregnancy disability leave) and FML also run concurrently, but the female faculty member is then eligible to receive an additional 12 weeks of bonding leave under CFRA.  CFRA runs concurrently with PFL (paid family leave).  Additional information is available at

3.5.4 Short-Term and Long-Term Disability Leave

Where the leave is for a faculty member’s own health condition, the University will pay the faculty member the difference between their short-term disability benefit (up to a maximum amount established each January 1st) and/or their long-term disability benefit (66 2/3%) and their full academic base salary for up to 52 weeks, or the end date of their faculty appointment, whichever comes first, provided they continue to be medically certified by a physician and otherwise meet the terms of the disability plan.  The 52-week period starts from the initial certification date as designated by the University’s current provider of disability and/or workers’ compensation insurance.  If a faculty member is overpaid in this salary supplement process, the faculty member must reimburse the University for the overpayment either by direct payment or through payroll deduction.  Faculty members experiencing a short-term, non-work related disability (including pregnancy disability) or long-term disability (LTD) are expected to contact Benefits ( to obtain information about and to apply for the University’s disability benefits.  In addition, the faculty member is expected to contact their department Chair or Dean’s Office to address issues pertaining to teaching, research, appointment dates, tenure clock deadline, grant administration and other related issues.  For more information on LTD, see the Long Term Disability FAQs for Faculty.  If your physician has certified you for full-time disability leave, you cannot perform work in any capacity.

3.5.5 Reduced Teaching and Clinical Duties Policy for New Parents

This University policy is intended to provide faculty who become new parents with additional flexibility in their work schedule at the time of the birth or adoption of the child.  To that end, a faculty member who gives birth may request a reduced teaching load during the quarter of the birth and/or in the subsequent quarter, if these are quarters in which the faculty member is normally expected to teach.  Similarly, faculty who become parents or adopt a child no older than five years of age may request a reduced teaching load during the quarter of the arrival of the child or in the subsequent quarter, if these are quarters in which they are expected to teach.  During these quarters, the expectation is that the faculty member will remain on full salary and, except during pregnancy disability leave (if applicable), that they will continue to carry a full complement of professorial activities other than classroom teaching, such as research and scholarship, graduate and undergraduate student advising, committee work, etc.  If the faculty member wishes to return to classroom teaching sooner, they may do so, but this should be a free choice on the faculty member’s part.

For most faculty in clinical departments in the School of Medicine, the closest analogy to classroom teaching with respect to time and effort is clinical service.  A faculty member who gives birth may request to be excused from clinical responsibilities (as well as classroom teaching, if any) for 90 days following the end of the pregnancy disability leave.  (During pregnancy disability leave, the faculty member is not on duty at all; as noted above, the period of pregnancy disability leave may be up to four months.)  New parents may request to be excused from clinical duties (as well as classroom teaching, if any) for 90 days immediately following the arrival of the child.  During these 90 days, the expectation is that the faculty member will remain on full salary and that they will continue to carry a full complement of professorial activities, other than clinical duties (and classroom teaching, if any), such as research and scholarship, advising, committee work, etc.  If the faculty member wishes to return to clinical responsibilities (or classroom teaching, if any) sooner, they may do so, but this should be a free choice on their part.  If advanced planning efforts of the faculty member and department indicate the need temporarily to hire a physician to provide clinical coverage, funds for this purpose will be provided by the Practice Plan.  A justification of request for such funds will be required.

Eligibility under this policy is different from (and more limited than) eligibility under the policies for new parent tenure clock and appointment extensions.  This reduced teaching and clinical duties policy is not intended for parents whose newborn or newly adopted child is cared for more than half-time by either a spouse/partner or a childcare provider.  A faculty member using this policy would normally be the sole caregiver for at least twenty hours during the work week during the hours from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday.  To apply for this policy, faculty should complete the form entitled “Application for Reduced Teaching or Clinical Duties for New Faculty Parents.”

In implementing this policy, the faculty member should not be expected to assume a heavier than normal teaching load when returning to regular teaching duty.  Department Chairs and Deans should guard against any possible adverse consequences to faculty members on account of using this policy.  For instance, while it is proper for department Chairs and Deans to take into consideration an individual’s productivity and contribution to the department or school during the prior year when setting salaries, the same standards should apply to all faculty in the unit without respect to the type of leave taken.  The reduction of teaching and clinical duties under this policy does not extend the seven year tenure clock or the ten year appointment clock.

3.5.6 Childcare Leave Policy

Any faculty member, male or female, who becomes a parent whether by birth or adoption, may request a leave without salary of up to one year, at full or part-time, for the purpose of caring for the child.  For a faculty member who gives birth, such a leave could be in addition to pregnancy disability leave; for all parents such leave should be in addition to a period of reduced teaching and clinical duties.  Requests for childcare leave are subject to the normal approval process, but department Chairs and Deans are urged to give priority to such requests.  Once again, faculty members may not use accrued sabbatical leave for childcare leave.

A faculty member on full leave without salary must pay the University’s portion of the monthly benefits premium in addition to their own premium to insure continuous insurance coverage.  For faculty members on partial leave, the University’s contribution may continue, depending on the percent time of the leave.  Those on leave less than 50% time are responsible for the entire cost of insurance premiums.  Those on leave at 25% to 50% of full time receive a partial University contribution, and those on leave less than 25% time receive the full usual University contribution.